Google Earth Pro includes the same easy-to-use features and imagery as the free version of Google Earth, but with additional professional tools designed specifically for business users. Google Earth allows you to travel the world through a virtual globe and view satellite imagery, maps, terrain, 3D buildings, and much more. With Google Earth’s rich, geographical content, you are able to experience a more realistic view of the world. You can fly to your favorite place, search for businesses and even navigate through directions.
Google Earth
Jelajahi dunia dengan Google Earth.
• Jelajahi konten geografis lengkap
• Perbesar dari luar angkasa hingga ke tingkat jalan
• Telusuri lokasi bisnis
• Visualisasikan pelacakan GPS Anda dan bagikan dengan orang lain
• Terbang mengitari kota (atau seluruh dunia) dalam 3D
• Arungi masa silam dengan citra sejarah
• Menyelam ke bawah permukaan lautan
Google Earth Pro | kini gratis!
Dapatkan alat bisnis lanjutan di samping semua fitur dan citra Google Earth yang mudah digunakan.
• Hitung jarak dan luas dengan menggunakan alat pengukuran
• Gunakan Movie Maker untuk menghasilkan kolateral media
• Cetak gambar beresolusi tinggi untuk presentasi dan laporan
• Impor file gambar vektor besar untuk memetakan data GIS dengan cepat
• Petakan alamat dengan Pengimpor Spreadsheet
System Requirement :
• Sistem Operasi: Windows XP dan yang lebih baru
• CPU: Pentium 3, 500 Mhz
• Memori Sistem (RAM): 512 MB
• Hard Disk: Ruang kosong 500MB
• Kecepatan Jaringan: 128 Kbit/dtk
• Kartu Grafis: DirectX9 dan kemampuan 3D dengan VRAM 64 MB
• Layar: 1024x768, "16-bit High Color" - DirectX 9 (untuk dijalankan pada mode Direct X)
• Mail: Outlook 2007+ dibutuhkan untuk fungsi email
• Sistem Operasi: Windows 7 dan yang lebih baru
• CPU: Pentium 4 2.4GHz+ atau AMD 2400xp+
• Memori Sistem (RAM): 1GB+
• Hard Disk: Ruang kosong 2GB+
• Kecepatan Jaringan: 768 Kbit/dtk
• Kartu Grafis: DirectX9 dan kemampuan 3D dengan VRAM 256 MB
• Layar: 1280x1024, "32-bit True Color"
Release notes Earth version 7.3.6 : En / Forum
Here are highlights of the fixes, changes, and improvements we've made for this release of Google Earth Pro:
• Movie Maker tool:
○ Hardware-accelerated video encoding for faster processing and better image quality.
○ HEVC (H.265) codec support.
○ Full navigation controls, including Historical Imagery and Street View, available in live recording mode.
○ Better responsiveness during live recording.
○ Can defer video encoding until after live recording is finished.
○ In live recording mode, less obtrusive recording status dialog.
○ Live recordings accurately show the timing of user actions during the recording session.
○ Save video frames in QOI image format.
• Break apart a Multi Geometry place mark into individual place marks.
• Combine multiple selected place marks into a single Multi Geometry place mark.
• Import GeoJSON files.
• Save Image tool:
○ Increased maximum image size.
○ PNG format support.
• Adjusted Google Earth logo size in main view, saved images, and printouts.
• Windows: Automatically support high-DPI displays.
• macOS: Fix illegible dialog tabs on macOS 11+.
• macOS: Cosmetic refinements to My Places and Layers panels.
• Regionate tool supports KML Schema extended data.
• Consistently save KML files with no changes from session to session.
• Correctly import CSV files with values that contain quotation marks.
• Edit KML LinearRing place mark line style.
• Other minor fixes and improvements.
Download :
Google Earth Pro for Windows | x86 | 60 MB | x64 | 68 |
Google Earth Pro Linux Debian/Ubuntu x86 | 54 MB |
Google Earth Pro Linux Debian x64 | 55 MB |
Google Earth Pro Linux Fedora/openSUSE x86 | 70 MB |
Google Earth Pro Linux Fedora/openSUSE x64 | 74 MB |
Google Earth Pro MAC | 70 MB |
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