Microsoft Windows® 8 is shipped without the “Start” menu. Stardock heard the cries from Windows 8 users and Start8 brings back the Start menu to Windows 8, 10, & 11. It’s the most used desktop feature billions of users depend on every day and packed it with additional functionality. Start8, Star10, & Star11 includes support for “jump lists”/recent documents for recently accessed programs (Devices, Documents, Music, Videos, Photos, Computer, and more). Pin favorite desktop and Metro apps shortcuts directly to the start menu for easy access. Stardock Start8,Start10, & Start11 adds searchable Windows 8-style (Modern UI) Start menu options for Windows desktop applications, Modern applications, and documents. It allows automatically load directly to your Windows desktop on login (vs the start screen).
Features Star11 :
• Replace the Start menu with a classic version. Choose from several styles such as Windows 7, Windows 10, or a modern adaptation of these classic menus that feels fresh and familiar.
• Bring back missing features from previous versions of Windows like moving the taskbar to top of your display or the Windows 10-style taskbar context menu.
• Unleash a more powerful and integrated search experience that keeps you centered on your content.
• Make your Start menu match your personality with robust customization options that allow you to change styles, colors, transparency, shortcut links, rounded or squared corners, and much more.
• Take control of the taskbar by adjusting its size, color, blur and more to make it match your personalized Start menu.
• Take complete control of your Start button by moving it to the center or the left, move it to the top of the screen, or change how the Start button responds to clicks, keypresses and more.
• Change the icon grid styles to find the right configuration for your workflow – keep it compact for minimalism or space it out for easier touch input.
System Requirements :
Windows 11
• UI: 2.5
• Start11Config:
• Stardock and Steam
• Resolved issue with right-clicking on secondary monitor taskbar when a window on top causing issues with primary monitor taskbar
• Improved handling of Windows Security setting shortcuts for search
• Resolved issue with icons on right-click menus sometimes being missing on shell extensions when shown as a Start11 right-click menu
• Adjusted spacing for the weather widget when on the right with enhanced taskbar
• ARM support is now in all versions (trial, paid, and ODNT)
• Resolved issue with right-click menus when the taskbar is at the top of the screen - requires enhanced taskbar enabled
• Resolved issue with missing widgets button when left/center taskbar buttons mode with the enhanced taskbar on Win11
• Added feature: holding down the SHIFT key when clicking on a popup menu will open that in Explorer when clicked rather than opening the submenu
• Resolved issue with always combine mode using the wrong icon for the run window and control panel when using enhanced taskbar on Win11
• Resolved issue with the position of the search field on the taskbar when using rounded taskbar options sometimes
• Resolved the issue with the position of the search field on the taskbar when using a wider start button
• Resolved issue with pin installed app menu not always working when on slower machines (largely ARM)
• Resolved a crash issue with menus when changing icons for a shortcut on slower (ARM) machines
• Resolved issue with icons being smaller than intended when using the resize menu for anything other than small when using Win11/Win App / Win Pro / Win Launcher styles at higher DPI scales
• Enabled ARM build to load up custom tile images
• Resolved issue with some app icons in non-combine mode on the taskbar having darker edges than intended
• Enabled universal folder for Win7 all programs in menu mode
• Resolved issue with control panel menu popup having some broken links for third-party control panel icons
• Resolved a small clipping issue on the mouseover highlight of items at the top of the Win11 style expanding folder on the start menu
• Resolved issue with default to all programs list in Win7/Modern styles going back to non-all programs list when doing a search and pressing escape once
• Resolved fullscreen Win10 style menu cutting the top of the menu off if autohide mode in Start11 is enabled
• Resolved fullscreen Win10 style menu having extra transparent background in error on ARM setups
• Enabled all programs menu on Win7/Modern styles when using Win10 style list to support the Universal Applications folder option
• Enabled some right-click options on Win10 style all programs list when using Win7/Modern style
• Enhanced Start11 control panel search to include a significant number of missing legacy control panel items
• Resolved the issue with the Microsoft Teams icon when pinned on the enhanced taskbar being smaller than expected
• Resolved enter not opening shutdown/sign out menus when using some menu styles
• Resolved issue with the keyboard not selecting items on the shutdown menu using Win7/Modern styles when opened via the keyboard
• Adding links to folders now stores paths in a more portable manner
• Resolved changing icons for apps in combined taskbar mode not always being respected
• Added support for Networx taskbar network traffic graph with enhanced taskbar enabled
• Resolved network/sound taskbar popup not being positioned correctly on Win11 taskbars when at the top of the screen on newer insider builds
• Resolved excess CPU usage on Win11 occasionally
• Resolved recent files showing in the documents list
• Stopped documents/pictures/videos showing in Start11 search for files
Download Stardock Start11 | versi | 50 MB |
Features Star10 :
• Search menu is back in the Start menu
• Restores the quick links to core system functionality
• Maintains the "All Programs" folder metaphor
• Texture can be applied to Start10 background and taskbar
System Requirements :
Windows 10
New's in Stardock Start10 ~ 1.98 :
• Resolves texture background on taskbar not applying under the weather control in newer versions of WIn10
• Resolves a small resource leak
• Misc bugfixes
Download Stardock Start10 | versi 1.98 | 34,24 MB |
Features Star8 :
• Add the Windows 8 menu to the Start menu.
• Windows 7-styled Start menu enhanced for Windows 8
• Pin Modern applications to the Windows 8 Start menu
• Boot directly to the Windows 8 desktop
System Requirements :
Windows 8/8.1 or Windows Server 2012/2012R2
New's in Stardock Start8 ~ 1.56 :
• Minor updates and fixes
Download Stardock Start8 | versi 1.56 | 10,42 MB |